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首頁>>生化試劑>>常用生化試劑>>FUJIFILM Wako 測序級天冬氨酰蛋白內(nèi)切酶Asp-N
FUJIFILM Wako 測序級天冬氨酰蛋白內(nèi)切酶Asp-N
  • 產(chǎn)品貨號:
  • 中文名稱:
    FUJIFILM Wako 測序級天冬氨酰蛋白內(nèi)切酶Asp-N
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  • 貨號




  • 【SALE】056-05921-2 ug

    2 ug



Overview / Applications

Outline<Protein Engineering><Amino Acid Sequencing Analysis Reagent><Enzyme for sequence analysis>Cleavage of polypeptide chains by protease is performed under a mild condition and, therefore, modification (oxidation, halogenation, deamidation, etc.) of side-chain amino acid residues does not occur, and peptides containing the groups (binding sites in carbohydrate chains, lipids, phosphate, sulfuric acid, etc.) for modification are usually recovered in a complete form at a good yield. Segments with good reproducibility can be obtained under identical conditions of digestion. Highly substrate-specific enzymes are used for the primary structure analysis of proteins, because it is possible to roughly predict the number of fragments and their average sizes from amino-acid composition, and more importantly, because it is possible to avoid complex isolation due to partial (nonspecific) cleavages.This enzyme specifically cleaves the N-terminal end of aspartic acid residue in proteins and peptides.The solution after preparation should be stored -20 degrees centigrade.Specificity: Reaction rate after 1 hour using glucagon as a substrate: min 90%


Origin / SourcePseudomonas fragi mutant
ActivitySpecific activity : min.20000units/mg protein
Puritymin. 90 % (SDS-PAGE)